My Story – Rodney Dutton
Rodney Dutton lives in Canandaigua, NY. He has Blood Type B. You can contact Rodney by using the form below.
Rodney Dutton
Vietnam Veteran, Canandaigua, NY
My Story
Personal background
I am a 72 year old married (49 years to the same wonderful woman) Father of two beautiful adults, and lucky Grandfather to 5 active, sports oriented intelligent grandchildren. I graduated from Victor NY High School, Attended Monroe Community College, spent 2 years 8 months and 16 days in the U.S. Army, (Joined American Legion, Vietnam Veterans of America, and Veterans of Foreign Wars) graduated Finger Lakes Community College, got married and got a job at Canandaigua Wine Company where I stayed for just under 44 years. I live in Canandaigua NY.
Hobbies and Interests
I was a volunteer fireman for 11 years at the Hopewell Fire Department NY. When I moved out of Hopewell I joined the Canandaigua Lions Club and have held most offices including President, Secretary and Zone Chairman over a period of 30+ years during which time I received several awards for my volunteer efforts. After I retired from work, I joined Disabled American Veterans Chapter 4, where I am currently Adjutant.
My goal with Lions and DAV is to deliver programs to assist local Veterans who are not as fortunate as I have been, are hospitalized, homeless etc.
A Kidney transplant will allow me the opportunity to live a much more active, normal life so I can continue my work with community service and travel to be with my close relatives in CO, KS and VA.
Kidney History
Diabetes is a large reason why I need a new kidney. Although there is some history of it on one side of the family, I was also exposed to the herbicide “Agent Orange’ during the 24 months I served in the US Army Vietnam in 1967-1969. We were told at the time and after service that it was a killer for plants, but didn’t harm humans. After significant evidence to the contrary, it was finally recognized by the Veterans Administration as the cause for Diabetes among many Vietnam Veterans. Ranch Hand (a mixing station for preparation of the chemicals prior to be loaded on aircraft or hand held sprayers) was next door to my first 12 month tour unit and we were using the empty barrels to build perimeters and other uses around the living areas. IE, A cook made a charcoal cooker out of a used barrel https://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Agent_Orange
Check out the VA website for all of the presumptive diseases associated with AO (I have two others beside Diabetes). The VA has classified me as a disabled veteran due to the illnesses I now have.
Currently I am at End Stage Renal (Kidney) Failure. ( diseases-conditions/end-stage- renal-disease/symptoms-causes/ syc-20354532) This has been an ongoing process over a couple of decades. As soon as I knew my kidneys were failing I acquired a Nephrologist (kidney specialist), to monitor my kidney health. We had routine and regular blood and urine tests and I and took his recommended medications religiously, and made dietary adjustments to assist in postponing the worst possible end result. Nonetheless, we have eventually arrived at a situation where I need a new kidney.
I am blood type B so a type B or Type O will match perfectly, but remember that even a non-matching kidney donation can benefit me through a “Paired Kidney Exchange“, please learn more at kidney_exchange.html
Thank You for considering donating a kidney to benefit me!
Contact information:
University of Rochester Transplant Team 585-275-7753, tell them you are calling for Rodney Dutton born 8/20/47. If you call URMC they will not advise me, it’s confidential between you and them.. I only know if you tell me, and that is totally up to you.
Contact Rodney

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