My Story – Alicia Wiedenhofer
Alicia Wiedenhofer Lives in Randolph, NY. She has Blood Type A. You can contact Alicia by using the form, the email address, or the phone number below:
My name is Alicia. I am a 40 year old female in need of a kidney. I had a kidney transplant from a live donor in 2008. That kidney has lasted me 14 years so far and now is just too tired out and not functioning anymore. I am not on dialysis as of now but am really close to being on dialysis. Getting a kidney would mean so much, I wouldn’t feel tired, drained, lazy. I would be able to have the energy to play and run with my grand babies whom are my world. I want to spend much needed time with my kids who are 18 years old and 21 year-olds and the rest of my family.
Contact Alicia

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